日本財団 図書館


(Flight Recorder, etc. required in Aircraft used for Air Transportation Service)
Article 149-(3). Instruments to record the state of operations of an aircraft, under the provisions of Article 61-(2)paragraph 2 of the Law, with which an aircraft used for air transportation service (limited to aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of more than 5,700 kilogrms)is required to be equipped and which are required to be activated shall he as prescribed in the following subparagraphs:
(1)Plight recorder capable of recording the following items:
a)Altitude, airspeed, vertical acceleration, heading direction and elapsed time;
b)Angle of pitch, angle of roll, angle of sideslip or lateral acceleration, extent of rudder pedal operation or extent of rudder displacement, extent of control column operation or extent of elevator displacement, extent of control wheel operation or extent of aileron displacement, extent of longitudinal trim device displacement, extent of flap control device operation or extent of flap displacement, output power or thrust power of engine and displacement of thrust reverse device;
c)Contact time with air traffic control facilities;
(2)Cockpit voice recorder capable of continuously recording voices andmaintaining recorded voices for 30 minutes or longer.


2. The flight recorder shall be kept continuously activated from the time an aircraft has started taxiing for take-off roll until the time the aircraft has finished taxiing after landing.


3. The voice recorder shall be kept continuously activated from the time the aircraft starts its engine for a flight until the time the engine has been stopped upon completion of the flight.


(Application for Permission under Proviso of Article 61-(2)paragraph 2 of the Law)
Article 149-(4). Any person who intends to obtain permission under the proviso of Article 61-(2)paragraph 2 of the Law shall submit to the Minister of Transport an application describing the following items;
(1)Name and address;
(2)Type of aircraft, the nationality and registration mark of the aircraft;
(3)Summary of flight plan (indicating clearly the purpose, date and route of flight);
(4)Equipment unable to be installed or equipment unable to be activated;
(5)Reason for the inability to install or activate said equipment;
(6)Name and qualifications of pilot;
(7)Other referential matters.





